Sunday, January 28, 2007


Is it wrong to change the name of the blog much like one changes the pairs of the shoes?


Anya said...

I think its time for me to do a name change and revamp too... it isnt wrong, it just reflects our every shifting identities, social purposes in life etc etc :)

rwb said...

Oh good anya!!! It helps to have affirmation. Btw, I don't know if my comments on your blog ever got posted--- I was eventally blocked by the spam-o-nator. *long suffering sigh" I'm heading back there today to try to trick it. ^_^

Unknown said...

Oh, it's wrong. So very wrong. For the record, it's wrong to change your shoes too.

rwb said...

John--- Pfffffttttt!!! I'm changing my shoes, and NOONE can stop me. I might even bring an entire BAG of shoes to campus today and change them on the hour. Shall I send pics?